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Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells

Having read a previous book by Wells and enjoyed it, I was excited to check out her new series. Dirty Magic is the perfect introduction for this new series and this new group of characters. The action starts right at the beginning as Kate finds herself drawn into a police chase that ends with the discovery of a new and deadly drug. Wells has set up quite the conflict for her heroine in that Kate has sworn off doing magic, and the case that she ends up in is all about dirty magic. Wells did an amazing job at setting up both internal and external conflicts for Kate, and I enjoyed seeing Kate's journey as she tries to come to terms with her past and her future. The book is full of many twists and turns, and the action continues throughout the book. I really enjoyed this start to the series, and I am looking forward to reading more about Kate. Overall Dirty Magic was an amazing read that I would most definitely recommend.


Received a copy of Dirty Magic through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.