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The Sound of Broken Glass by Deborah Crombie

The Sound of Broken Glass proved to be another enjoyable read in Crombie's Kincaid and James series.  I had read another book in this series which I also enjoyed however this book jumped quite a bit ahead for me.  I really enjoyed seeing Duncan and Gemma in their domestic life and enjoyed the twist of Duncan staying home with the kids while Gemma was busy solving the case.  Crombie does a great job at weaving a tale full of mystery and many twists and turns able to keep the reader guessing until the end.  I also enjoyed the book's secondary characters especially Melody, Doug, Andy, and Tam.  I also liked how Crombie brought Duncan into the case as well even though Gemma was the primary.  That cliff hanger ending though was not a nice surprise but it successfully made me anxious to read the next book in the series.